El Capitan State Beach

I went to El Capitan State Beach recently. It's just north of Goleta, which is just north of Santa Barbara. There's more movies of my visit if you click through to my YouTube page.

El Capitan State Beach group picnic area Group picnic area right on the beach with barbeques!

ere's the entrance sign, right under the freeway overpass:<br /><br /><br /> Here's the entrance sign, right under the freeway overpass:

El Capitain Campground guys waving And here are some actual campers waving to me. Hi guys!

El Capitan looking north Here's the trail from the main parking lot where it runs down to the beach.

El Capitain State Beach looking south And here's another beach picture.

El Capitain State Beach waves and seagull And another one! There weren't too many people around the day I was here, since there was a storm coming in, but this seagull didn't mind.

El Capitain State Beach stacked rocks Stacked up rocks. Do people do this where you live? I always see it on beaches here.

Details on staying here:

Cost is $35 per night year-round. Senior discount is $2 off that price per night (seniors are anyone over age 62). You can also bike or hike in for $10 per person per night. Extra vehicles are $10 per night per each extra vehicle.

Day use, which is 8 a.m. to Sunset is $10 for parking ($9 for seniors).

Reservations are required from April 1 to Nov. 30. You can reserve by calling (800) 444-7275 or visiting reserveamerica.gov.

If you plan on visiting from Dec. 1 through March 31 the campground is first-come first-served. The general park information telephone number is (805) 968-1033.

Next: More of Capitan and a movie tour of the campsites.

Don't miss these related links:

Photos courtesy of West Coast Beach Vacations.com.

El Capitain State Beach Pelicans

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